Suggest some methods to limit injuries in badminton
20 Dec, 2022 - Badminton Training, badminton skills
Like many other sports, badminton is also a sport where players can get injured while playing. So how to limit injuries and mitigate those injuries, many people are still subjective and do not pay attention.
Let's find out the causes of injuries in badminton and go through some suggestions to help you limit injuries during the game.
1. Causes of injuries in badminton

Knowing the causes of injuries in badminton will be the way to help us limit injuries in the best and most proactive way.
The first and also the most basic injury error that people often subjective is the error of not moving enough. Normally, before playing any sport, we have to participate in a warm-up to warm up and let our body get used to simple movements. However, because many people are subjective, they do the warm-up steps very quickly, leading to unnecessary injuries during the game.
The second injury error that can be caused is due to the wrong implementation of movements, techniques, and incorrect posture, leading to an imbalance between the coordination of muscles and joints in the body.
Environmental conditions are also an important factor causing injury problems such as:
- Poor quality badminton shoes, no grip on the floor, too loose, too tight.
- Wear fashionable shoes, not specialized sports shoes.
- Unsuitable clothes will cause entanglement, influence
- Using poor quality racquets, racquets that are not suitable for the playing style, making hands under pressure, and easy to injure hands, ...
- Wet yard, slippery floor, scratched carpet.
- Inadequate lighting
- Playing shuttlecock outside in an unfavorable weather environment
2. Some suggestions to help you limit injuries during the game

- Thoroughly warm up all muscle groups, and joints from legs, hips, arms, and shoulders to the neck before entering the field.
- Perform exercises and movements to relax and stretch muscles after playing badminton so that the muscles can rest according to the movement process.
- Practice moving correctly in positions to reduce the risk of injury to the ankle and knee. etc
- Wear good quality badminton shoes to protect your feet.
Use a good quality racquet.
Use a racket with the right tension to reduce pressure on your hands and shoulders.
- Badminton uniforms are suitable, comfortable, neat, and not entangled.
- Play badminton on a standard court surface. The court surface ensures enough anti-slip factors, flat, no obstacles, and suitable friction.
- Use items to reduce injuries such as knee brace, elbow bandage, and ankle bandage to increase stability and firmness for muscles and joints.
- Do not over-exercise leading to the body not being able to rest, the muscles and joints are reduced in function.
- Have a reasonable diet, exercise plan, and rest.
- Do not shower immediately after playing badminton.
Above is the article "Some suggestions to help you limit injuries in badminton", hope you always keep your health, spirit, and passion for badminton for yourself. Good luck.